At the heart of the definition of a great place to work: a place where employees “trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do, and enjoy the people they work with”

The Change Management & Transformation process including the scaling up of our HR operations to meet the company’s dynamic needs, will aid in contributing to the robust growth of the company.

Another important facet at Liberty Oil Mills Limited, is the easy access to HR in terms of policies, programs and redressal systems, all made possible through effective use of technology. HR Helpdesk allows all the employees to directly raise their concerns with HR.

New joinees joining LOML Family are given a warm welcome and made to feel at home. We feel that a solid orientation and induction provides a soft landing and makes you feel at ease.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy, which is why celebrations and sports form an integral part of the lives of every LOML employee. Our Company strongly believes in integrating work and life at workplace and strives to connect the dots between individual roles and goals of the organization. We believe “When people are financially invested, they want a return; when people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.”

We work together as a team, as a family and have fun at workplace. Everyone is encouraged to be a part of the various fun filled, motivational activities and ensure that the feeling of excitement at work NEVER dies out.


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