Just Leap


Leadership programs are specifically drawn and designed programs for managerial employees of Liberty.

The programs are designed for managerial employees of junior or middle level cadres. They are put through MANAGERIAL GRIDS/ TESTS and then get considered for the LEAP programs.

LEAP programs are conducted at the Shahapur KNOWLEDGE CENTRE only.

Leadership Programs are generally provided for employee advancement in his/her career. Employees functional and management skills can be enhanced only when trained properly and are provided different tasks to manage.

  • Functional skills and controls
    Functional attributes are related to skills one possesses to deal with routine or specific needs and the way one conducts the work in relation to planning, organizing, strategizing and evolving to the level and expectation of his superior and the top management.
  • Managerial capabilities.
    Managerial capabilities are meant to develop impeccable planning, organizing of resources, strategic work programs, understanding a product or manufacturing or activity, general accounting and over all balancing of the operations /work profile.

The training for LEAP is conducted every weekend at Shahapur Knowledge Centre, by a team of professionals in functional training and by outside faculties from industrial training background.

The LEAP programs, which commenced in the year 2011, has honed up the overall skills of a sizeable number of our middle level managerial employees.

The LEAP programs are now to be conducted simultaneously at our Head Office and depots across India as well.


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